Younger Lab Members
Meg A. Younger, PhD
Assistant Professor
Principal Investigator
Darred Surin
Lab Manager
Tori (Florence) Guerina
Graduate Student
Alexa Woodrow
Undergraduate Researcher
Florencia Fernandez-Chiappe, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Garima Kohli
Graduate Student
Yifan Wang, PhD
Postdoctoral Associate
Wesley Alford
Research Scientist (Data Science)
Madison Bradford
Undergraduate Researcher
Camila Mejia
Undergraduate Researcher
Tyler Hill
Postdoctoral Associate
Kamran Sheikh
Undergraduate Researcher
Aedes aegypti
A whole lot of mosquitoes
Ongoing Collaboration
The Aedes aegypti connectome: Whole-brain mosquito transmission electron microscopy volume.
Wei-Chung Allen Lee, PhD
Assistant Professor
Harvard Medical School
Jialu Bao
Graduate Student
Harvard Medical School
David Hildebrand, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
The Rockefeller University
Ongoing Collaboration
Modeling the mosquito brain: Developing a brain-wide artificial neural circuit model of the brain dynamics that drive mosquito host-seeking behavior.
Brian DePasquale
Assistant Professor
Boston University
Grant McConachie
Graduate Student
Boston University
Ongoing Collaboration
Modeling mosquito olfaction: How mosquitoes maximize odor information.
Gabriel Ocker
Assistant Professor
Boston University
Caitlin Lienkaemper, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Boston University